Growing up I always heard how I NEVER slept as a baby. My Mom and Grandmother reminded me of this when both of my boys were born. I know they secretly giggled behind my back knowing paybacks were being carried out.
My Mom would also tell me (jokingly) that she was probably the only American watching Princess Anne get married because she was up with me. On November 14, 1973, I was six weeks old, and at 4am my Mom was up with me watching a very rare royal wedding - live. Princess Anne married Mark Phillips, a commoner, and the two of us sat in our living room in Albany, Georgia watching.
Today another royal wedding took place. I don't have a baby to sit with me and watch. My boys (husband included) could care less about weddings, royals, or ceremony. I wasn't sure if I was even going to watch myself. Then, late last night I decided to DVR the wedding. After getting Jacob off to school I sat and watched. I watched with amazement. The amount of people lining the streets. The hats. Oh, the hats. The ever so beautiful Prince Harry. (He's my favorite!) I was totally sucked in to this modern day fairy tale wedding.
I was so glad I recorded this event. Eventhough I didn't watch it "live" I feel like I was still part of something. I don't remember the wedding of Princess Anne, but I know my Mom will always remember her tired self watching. I think that is why I felt like I needed to watch. It isn't the fascination of becoming a royal or a princess. It is knowing that my Mom's sacrifice of sleep allowed her to be part of a royal wedding. I just wanted to be part of this one too.