Went to the neighborhood BBQ. Jacob got his face painted like a tiger. Brady was terrified of him!! Jacob loved it.
We went to Morganton, NC to see my parents last weekend and had a relaxing trip. Tod was able to play lots of golf with my Dad. Mom, the boys and I went to the Day Lily Festival. I came home with some beautiful lilies. Thanks, Mom!
I had to cut a sucker out of my hair. Thanks, Brady!
Brady has decided to spend his summer in the nude. I told you the heat was getting to us! He was playing in our water table while I cooked dinner. I looked out and he was sitting in it completely nude! You can get away with that when you are 2.
The boys bunk beds came last night. It was delivered in 9 boxes! Tod and I, with lots of help from Jacob and Brady, got the room together in 2 hours. The beds are perfect. They are both full sized beds. Jacob slept on the top bunk last night. Brady will move to the "big boy bottom bunk" next week. (I'm not ready to give up the crib.) This morning Jacob decided that he "feels" like a big kid now that he slept on the top bunk.
We bought a Wii. We have been Wii-ing for the past two days. It is wii-errific! Jacob and I have already argued over whose turn it is. I don't think of myself as a "gamer", but I am definitely a Wii-er!!
Here's a couple of pictures from this week. Enjoy!