Friday, July 3, 2009


For the last week I have been without. Lost. My computer wasn't working properly and the warranty was about to expire. I had to make the tough decision to ship the ol' laptop off to the Dell wizards for repairs. Yesterday, by miracle of FedEx, my laptop arrived home. I should have made 'Welcome Home' signs and hung balloons. I tried to hide my enthusiasm from the FedEx guy, but I think my tear filled eyes spoke volumes.

For three days we were even without cable. Jacob was completely distraught. When we told him that there was a time when TV, computers, and video games did not exist he said, "What did people do?" Tod and I just shrugged our shoulders.

I'm sure Tod was tired of me calling him at work to "look something up." I may be banned from the library computers....two kids and a quiet section don't mix well. I also used the phone book for the first time in two years. (I had to find it first!)

I am now re-connected and completely plugged in. Aahhhhh.


cod said... darlings......I had no idea. I would have come straight away to bring you all here where you'd be safe and connected!! ;¬)

Glad you are back!!

Jennifer B. said...

A phone book? What's that?

gumps said...

good job, kat. if that happened to your mil, we'd need to put her on suicide watch for the duration.
that's why i keep my old apple laptop in reserve, although it's not too dependable or pretty.

hope y'all have a safe and happy holiday


megan said...

LOL, that's hilarious. I feel your pain, our internet was down for 2 days a while back and I would run off to the library as soon as Dave got home. By the time we got internet back I had a loooong list of things I "needed to look up" :)