It has been such a stressful 6 months for our family. In the Spring Brady's preschool teacher wrote us an email with some concerns she had about Brady's development. The things that she was telling us were not things that we had noticed about him. She told us that Brady was just so far behind the other kids in the class. Wow. What a slap in the face of reality. All of the concerns that his teacher had for Brady pointed toward Autism.
After many sleepless nights we put Brady on the schedule to be evaluated through the school system. I filled out dozens of pages of forms and behavior surveys we finally had his evaluation in August. It was an hour long evaluation on his development and speech. Yesterday, the school psychologist did the classroom evaluation to see how Brady followed direction and interacted with other kids.
Today I get the phone call. The phone call to tell me what her findings are about Brady. The phone call that could take our family in a different direction. The phone call that I have worried about for months. I listened carefully and took notes so I could relay all information to Tod. Then she said the most fantastic words a I could ever imagine..."Brady is a normal three year old little boy." Aaahhh. I think she could tell that I was teary and trying to hold it together. I was just so relieved.
I told myself that I would be thankful either way. I would be thankful if there was something wrong and we were able to catch it early to help him. I would also be thankful if there wasn't something wrong and be happy to have a normal little boy. I can't help but feel angry. Angry that we had all of this useless worry, sleepless nights, and unlimited tears shed because of what his previous teacher thought she so expertly saw as developmental problems. I also can't help but feel grateful. Grateful that we have proof that we have a normal little boy. Grateful that he is in our lives. Grateful that he is loved and healthy.
I cannot express how relieved I am. I can guarantee that we will all sleep better tonight.