He is playing coach pitch baseball with the local rec department and he is loving it. He doesn't care for the practices, but LOVES the games. The kids get to play in the evening under the lights. Tod says that he would have loved to play under the lights as a kid. Our coach isn't a good pitcher and he enlisted the help of another Dad on the team to pitch. It's got to be hard to pitch to someone who is only 3 1/2 feet tall!!
Here is Jacob in right field watching the pitch.
Playing under the lights.

Jacob at first base after a great hit. He brought two teammates in with this hit.

Jacob at first base after a great hit. He brought two teammates in with this hit.
That's Jacob running HOME!!! Tod and I were so excited. Jacob looked up at us just after stepping on home plate with a huge smile on his face. He was so excited that he almost ran right into the back stop fence while giving up two thumbs up!!

We are so proud of him. We don't have any games this week and practice has been rained out. He wasn't disappointed that he didn't have practice, but he said..."If it was a game I wouldn't be happy about that." Go Tarheels!
I'll bet that IS thrilling to play under the lights! How cool. :-)
aw! i love it!!
OMG! That is awesome! I love that he's playing baseball! So cute in that uniform!
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