After accomplishing one achievement, my brother-in-law, Jim, decided to award himself with yet another achievement. In December Jim completed his MBA! After three years of going to school in the evenings, class trips to Costa Rica and China to help understand their business models, and many papers, exams and sleepless nights, he certainly deserved an award. Jim, who is not a sit-still kind of guy, didn't want a party. Didn't want to just sit back and relax. He hopped on a plane the day after Christmas and headed to Africa. The goal....to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. I cannot wait to hear all about his adventure. As you can see by the picture he made it to the top! We are all so proud of you, Jim! It's obvious...there is no limit to what you can do!
I was waiting to hear how he did. I knew he'd make it. Jim always has that little impish grin that says to me......"bring it on!"
Dang, that's impressive....all of it.
I love stories like this! So fantastic!!! melissa c
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