Today is a big day for Brady! His preschool class is going to Kindergarten today!! He is so excited and said to me this morning that he is now a big kid going to Kindergarten.
His class will ride a school bus from their school to the elementary school this morning and become part of a Kindergarten class. They will have circle time, recess and even lunch with them. I'm not sure if Brady realizes that this is just for one day.
It has been a struggle this year to get Brady to go to school each day. He gets frustrated so easily and gives up. I feel like we are finally making progress with him and he is truly "getting" it. He has been so much fun to watch lately. He gets so proud of himself with each little accomplishment and beams for the rest of the day!
This morning has been so much fun getting him ready for school. I cannot wait to pick him up to find out how much fun Kindergarten is!!
never doubted him, hurraayyyy(i know i misspelled it) BRADY
oh kat be sure to let us know his comments.
he just takes his time with life. maybe that is something we could all benefit from. less pressure. less stress.
He had so much fun today. He is exhausted!! I haven't gotten much out of him yet, but I'm sure he will tell me all about his adventures in Kindergarten soon!
so does he think kindergarten might be his thing or not so much?
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