Saturday, August 29, 2009


Today I ran in the Yiasou Greek Festival 5K. I ran it about two years ago and just love running through the Dillworth area in Charlotte. So beautiful (and shaded!). My goal was to run it in 37 minutes. I haven't been in a race in about a year, but have been running 3 miles a couple times a week on the treadmill for a long time. I know I am slow. Ok...I'm VERY slow. My short legs just don't go very fast. I have to admit I was a little disappointed that I didn't make my goal by over two minutes. BUT seeing my family close to the finish line made my morning. Tod was shouting, "Go Kat!" and the boys were yelling, "Yay Mommy!" I almost hyperventilated because I was so choked up. Jacob joined me and ran with me over the finish line. What a great way to start a Saturday!


Jane said...

That's awesome Kat!! Your boys must have been so proud!

Karen said...

Go Kat!

Unknown said...

Great job Kat!

Amy J said...

Yay! Congratulations!

The Baur Family said...

Good job! Congratulations!

cod said...

Gawd Kat, don't they know not to make you cry until you cross the line?!?

JK........OMG........we are so proud! I can just imagine how Tod and your boys felt.
