Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's Over?

Well, the holidays are officially over. I will write all about it once I unbury myslef from the piles of suitcases, gifts, laundry, and wonderful memories! Happy New Year everyone!


cod said...

the wonderful memories linger though......

love you kat

Therese said...

Happy New Year to you and the whole family. Here's to some awesome memories for the upcoming year. Love and hugs, -The Goodrich Family

cod said...

Um Kat, have you gotten unpacked yet?????


cod said...

I had the sweetest dream about little Brady last night. I need some kid stories when you get time.

(the night before, i dreamed tod was getting his senior pic done and was supposed to wear the same shirt he wore for his freshman pic. he went to look for it and said "it had little brown dogs on it." he couldn't find it and we decided it must have been handed down to sean. nope. pat? no. sadly no pic was taken)

come to think of it....i doubt sean OR pat would wear a shirt in HS with little brown doggies. now tod.....? ;¬)

ODonnell Family Blog said...

Connie! You are too funny! I will write soon! I swear!

cod said...

Okee dokee!