Tuesday, March 11, 2008


A friend of mine just found out the worst news a mother could have. Her 3 year old son was diagnosed with a brain tumor. They are going in on Friday for a biopsy. He will have to undergo chemotherapy every week for an entire year. You can see her blog at http://greenawaltfamilylife.blogspot.com. The post is under "Bad News". Please say a prayer for the Greenawalt family. Thank you!!!


cod said...

Oh Kat this is heartbreaking and we will certainly keep this little boy and his family in our prayers.

Katie Skipper said...

Thanks for sharing Kat
I have marked your blog as one of my favorites!

I will keep your friend and her family in my prayers. If I can help please do not hesitate to ask!

Jane said...

Poor little guy. That website brought tears to my eyes immediately. He is for sure in my thoughts and prayers.

cod said...

Kat, do you know how he's doing?

ODonnell Family Blog said...

He had the tumor removed from his skull on Friday afternoon. He is doing much better. Even playing with his friends. They are not 100% sure but the tumor seems to be benign!!! They did find more tumors in his arm and leg. Not sure where they are going from here. I hug my boys harder each day!! You can click on her blog from MY Friends link - Amber G. She has details...you will love Sebastians RED hair!!