In our house five thirty is a very predictable time. Every evening around 5:30 the boys eat dinner. I sit them down at their little table with blue and green plates filled with hotdogs, corn, and pineapples or whatever else my picky eaters will eat. The boys sit and eat their dinner while watching Spongebob or Curious George. Shortly after, Daddy walks in the door and there is a collective, "Daddy's Home!!" We scramble to be the first to give him a hug - myself included! Then after dinner it is a round of horseplay and silliness.
Well, another five thirty is becoming a very predictable time in our house - 5:30 AM. Each morning Brady strolls in and whispers, very loudly, "Mommy...UP!" I groan and look at the clock. Yep, five thirty. He crawls in bed with us. Instead of quietly laying beside Mommy, Brady decides to practice his words in a loud whisper. "Mommy, Daddy, house, juice, etc..." you get the idea. Then he presses the moles on my face and says "BEEP! BEEP!" At this point I am awake, but refusing to get out of bed. In walks Jacob. "Morning. Time to wake up?" Argh - no. I try to put the pillow over my head, but the boys think that is an invitation for a pillow fight. So with the frivolity of 5:30PM they decide that it is time for horseplay and silliness. Sometimes predictability is not such a good thing...
UGH. I'm sorry. That's not a fun way to start your day.
Oh my, I would not care for that at all but what can 'ya do?! Isn't it funny how kids have internal alarm clocks? Tyler wakes up anytime between 7-8:30am BUT he doesn't go to bed until 10pm.
We have the same problem in casa de Greenawalt! What's up with these early risers? Hope you get to sleep in (and by that I mean until at least 6:00 A.M.) soon.
Aw that's so cute.
The 5:30*PM* activity....I mean.
5:30 sucks. sorry. any chance of beating them into submission? : )
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