Monday, March 30, 2009
No news is good news...
I have absolutely nothing to write about. It's not that we haven't been busy. Just nothing to write about. Hope to have something...ANYTHING to write about soon!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Love Dare Week 2 1/2
Love Dare - Must include friendships!!

To update you from my previous post about the Love Dare, I wanted to share with you my new feelings about this challenge. I am loved. I feel loved. I get it. I don't think this dare is for me. I have a healthy, fun, and loving relationship with my family and we tell each other how we feel every day.
Now, I am not against this program. I am all for it. I think it is great. But, I am going to use it in a different way. I have learned a lot this week about friendships. I have seen friends hurt by others, friends moving on with their lives, and friends lost in grief.
We need to cherish our friendships. Don't use your friends and not be a friend in return. Listen to each others wants, needs, and desires. Being a friend is not a chore, it is not hard, it is a gift. I need to make sure I don't take my friendships for granted.
My dearest friend went back to work a couple of months ago. I miss her terribly. Even though she lives right down the street, I never get to see her. I am so incredibly proud of her for this new adventure in her life, but I am also very sad that I don't see her every day. I still need her. I need to "dare" myself to meet her for lunch one day or just call her on a random day like I used to.
Lastly, I want to talk about my friend Jen. She lost her baby, Kevin, yesterday. Her troubled pregnancy was devastating and this result was unfortunately not a surprise. Jen made a couple of phone calls before going to the hospital to let her friends know what was going on. I believe the switchboards lit up in South West Charlotte. When the news spread about baby Kevin the MOMS Club hopped into action and circled the wagons. Jen has always been such a caring and supportive friend. It was so touching to see that when she needed help there was an endless line of support. I have a renewed sense of what true friendship means and want to make sure that I don't forget it.
We need to make sure we tell each other that we care. We need to show each other that we care. This is my new challenge. Dare to be that friend.

To update you from my previous post about the Love Dare, I wanted to share with you my new feelings about this challenge. I am loved. I feel loved. I get it. I don't think this dare is for me. I have a healthy, fun, and loving relationship with my family and we tell each other how we feel every day.
Now, I am not against this program. I am all for it. I think it is great. But, I am going to use it in a different way. I have learned a lot this week about friendships. I have seen friends hurt by others, friends moving on with their lives, and friends lost in grief.
We need to cherish our friendships. Don't use your friends and not be a friend in return. Listen to each others wants, needs, and desires. Being a friend is not a chore, it is not hard, it is a gift. I need to make sure I don't take my friendships for granted.
My dearest friend went back to work a couple of months ago. I miss her terribly. Even though she lives right down the street, I never get to see her. I am so incredibly proud of her for this new adventure in her life, but I am also very sad that I don't see her every day. I still need her. I need to "dare" myself to meet her for lunch one day or just call her on a random day like I used to.
Lastly, I want to talk about my friend Jen. She lost her baby, Kevin, yesterday. Her troubled pregnancy was devastating and this result was unfortunately not a surprise. Jen made a couple of phone calls before going to the hospital to let her friends know what was going on. I believe the switchboards lit up in South West Charlotte. When the news spread about baby Kevin the MOMS Club hopped into action and circled the wagons. Jen has always been such a caring and supportive friend. It was so touching to see that when she needed help there was an endless line of support. I have a renewed sense of what true friendship means and want to make sure that I don't forget it.
We need to make sure we tell each other that we care. We need to show each other that we care. This is my new challenge. Dare to be that friend.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Life Lessons by Brady
Today I am watching a friends son. Brady loves his friend Tyler, and wants to teach him all of his little life lessons.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Racing Through The Weekend
It was beginning to be a yucky weekend. Full of rain and absolutely no plans. That is usually the recipe for a long disastrous weekend. Tod got off work a little early on Friday. We had a nice family dinner then decided to do a little shopping. On our way home Jacob said, "Are we going to do something fun?" Tod cannot resist Jacob's constant desire to "do something fun". He dropped Brady and I off at home and the he and Jacob headed to the Bobcats game. Jacob loves having one-on-one time with Daddy. (Riding the train downtown was a bonus!!)
Tod has turned into a runner. It is contagious. I've started running - just on the treadmill, and only have a few races under my belt. Now Jacob has the running bug. He told us that he wanted to run in a race. Tod found a one mile fun run for him. Perfect. So...on Saturday morning Tod and Jacob suited up for Jacob's first race at the Tega Cay Golf Course.

Here's Tod, Jacob and Brady before the race. Brady and I were the cheerleaders.

And their off... The weather was cold, wet, and rainy so there wasn't many participants. I think it is cute that Jacob and Tod have the same stride in this picture.

Coming up the last hill and they are still smiling.
Tod has turned into a runner. It is contagious. I've started running - just on the treadmill, and only have a few races under my belt. Now Jacob has the running bug. He told us that he wanted to run in a race. Tod found a one mile fun run for him. Perfect. So...on Saturday morning Tod and Jacob suited up for Jacob's first race at the Tega Cay Golf Course.
Here's Tod, Jacob and Brady before the race. Brady and I were the cheerleaders.
And their off... The weather was cold, wet, and rainy so there wasn't many participants. I think it is cute that Jacob and Tod have the same stride in this picture.
Coming up the last hill and they are still smiling.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Judge Jacob
We are trying to potty train Brady. Of course, Brady could care less. I bought a little potty that we put in whatever room he is in in hopes that he will use it whenever he needs to. The serious potty training comes when Jacob is home. Jacob is a huge help and knows that when Brady is potty trained we can go on more vacations. We decided to reward Brady with M&M's whenever he uses the potty. Well, Jacob has decided to be the official M&M pee judge. Yesterday Brady used the little potty and Jacob looked in and said, "Wow! Brady sure peed a lot. I think that deserves like 3 M&M's!" When Brady pees just a little...only one M&M. I laugh every time Jacob sits and thinks about how many chocolates each pee deserves! Brady would be fine with one M&M per pee. I'm not even sure Brady understands why he gets different amounts, but what the heck, it's a fun game!
Oh - and whenever Brady gets and M&M everyone else gets M&M's too. (even Tod and I get one..or three)
Oh - and whenever Brady gets and M&M everyone else gets M&M's too. (even Tod and I get one..or three)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I am Changed

IKEA has changed me into a shopper. I took my first trip to the Swedish wonderland today and am changed forever.
I have never been a shopper. Any kind of shopping - grocery, clothes, furniture - all of it. I remember going back to school shopping with my Mom and only buying one outfit while my sister tried on every item of clothing in the entire store. I just didn't like to shop. Until today.
The maze of amazing products from kids toys to outdoor furniture was completely mesmerizing. I was lost in it's organization. The little showrooms made my head spin with design ideas.
Thank you, IKEA, for showing me the way to a shoppers paradise!
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Love Dare Week 1
Love Is Patient - Lead your heart - Don't follow it.

Last Sunday, March 1, I went to church and heard a wonderful sermon about Love and how we treat our loved ones. The minister asked the congregation to participate in the Love Dare. Each day you are to do/not do/say something to your spouse/children/family. I decided to take on this challenge, or dare.
Day One - Say nothing negative all day to your family.
This one was pretty easy. I was a little nervous because it was a snow day so I had to remain positive for the entire day - no breaks! The boys had such a good time playing in the snow in the morning and riding bikes in the afternoon after it all melted away. The only rough spot I had was at dinner time. Everyone wanted something different to eat. This is a huge frustration for me. Why can't we all eat the same thing? Not that easy. So I decided, with a smile, to go ahead and make different dinners for all.
Day Two - Do at least one unexpected gesture of kindness for your spouse or family.
Again, easy. Tod and I always love to do the crossword puzzle in the paper each day. I always get the first crack at it. When Tod gets home he finishes it. On Saturday's the puzzle is all his. Well, this day I saved it for him to do. I know it doesn't seem like much, but even the small gestures mean a lot.
Day Three - Buy your spouse or family member something that says, "I was thinking of you today."
I failed. It was super cold out and I didn't leave the house except to take the boys back and forth from school.
Day Four - Contact your spouse or family member sometime during the business of the day. Have no agenda other to ask how they are doing and if there is any task you can do for them.
I had to make up for yesterday's failure. I sent Tod a text message just to see how he was doing and to let him know that I loved him.
Day Five - Ask your spouse or loved one to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you.
Again - failure!! I didn't like this dare day! Maybe I just don't want to know. Maybe I already know and don't want to hear it.
I explained the Love Dare to Tod. He told me that he already felt loved and didn't want me to make extra sacrifices, i.e. the crossword :), to show it. Well, I think that sometimes we can say the words, "I love you" when we start and finish our day, but it is the time in between that we can choose to show that we love those people in our lives.
This week will be better. I am going to continue with the Love Dare. Stay tuned!

Last Sunday, March 1, I went to church and heard a wonderful sermon about Love and how we treat our loved ones. The minister asked the congregation to participate in the Love Dare. Each day you are to do/not do/say something to your spouse/children/family. I decided to take on this challenge, or dare.
Day One - Say nothing negative all day to your family.
This one was pretty easy. I was a little nervous because it was a snow day so I had to remain positive for the entire day - no breaks! The boys had such a good time playing in the snow in the morning and riding bikes in the afternoon after it all melted away. The only rough spot I had was at dinner time. Everyone wanted something different to eat. This is a huge frustration for me. Why can't we all eat the same thing? Not that easy. So I decided, with a smile, to go ahead and make different dinners for all.
Day Two - Do at least one unexpected gesture of kindness for your spouse or family.
Again, easy. Tod and I always love to do the crossword puzzle in the paper each day. I always get the first crack at it. When Tod gets home he finishes it. On Saturday's the puzzle is all his. Well, this day I saved it for him to do. I know it doesn't seem like much, but even the small gestures mean a lot.
Day Three - Buy your spouse or family member something that says, "I was thinking of you today."
I failed. It was super cold out and I didn't leave the house except to take the boys back and forth from school.
Day Four - Contact your spouse or family member sometime during the business of the day. Have no agenda other to ask how they are doing and if there is any task you can do for them.
I had to make up for yesterday's failure. I sent Tod a text message just to see how he was doing and to let him know that I loved him.
Day Five - Ask your spouse or loved one to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you.
Again - failure!! I didn't like this dare day! Maybe I just don't want to know. Maybe I already know and don't want to hear it.
I explained the Love Dare to Tod. He told me that he already felt loved and didn't want me to make extra sacrifices, i.e. the crossword :), to show it. Well, I think that sometimes we can say the words, "I love you" when we start and finish our day, but it is the time in between that we can choose to show that we love those people in our lives.
This week will be better. I am going to continue with the Love Dare. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Like Riding a Bike
We took Jacob's training wheels off of his bike back in October. He had worn the training wheels all the way down to the little rims. He refused to even look at his bike after that. For his birthday last November we got him a Razor scooter. He LOVES his scooter. With only a few spills, Jacob really got the hang of it quickly. Well, last weekend Jacob picked up his bike, hopped on and began to ride. Not one lesson from Dad. He just got on and shouted, "I'm doing it! I'm REALLY doing it!!!" Way to go Jacob!
Monday, March 2, 2009
In Like A Lion
March sure rolled in like a lion this year! The boys have their 3rd snow day this winter. The first two snow days were a little questionable, but this one was definitely a good call. We had four inches of rain on Saturday and Sunday then on Sunday night we had 3-5 inches of snow fall! The snow has been so beautiful. It has been a long time since I have seen snow like this. The boys held out until 9:00 am to go outside and play. With two pair of pants, four shirts, two pair of socks and gloves, coats and hats all securely in place we set out into the great white yard. The boys wanted to build a snowman first. Here is Frosty. Poor Frosty didn't last long due to sunshine and/or poor construction.

The boys gave me their best cheesy cold face smiles.

The boys gave me their best cheesy cold face smiles.
Being ever so helpful, Brady decided to use his little bulldozer to scrape the snow off of the driveway. This may take a while.
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