We took Jacob's training wheels off of his bike back in October. He had worn the training wheels all the way down to the little rims. He refused to even look at his bike after that. For his birthday last November we got him a Razor scooter. He LOVES his scooter. With only a few spills, Jacob really got the hang of it quickly. Well, last weekend Jacob picked up his bike, hopped on and began to ride. Not one lesson from Dad. He just got on and shouted, "I'm doing it! I'm REALLY doing it!!!" Way to go Jacob!
good job jacob. i am surprised that you let him ride in traffic like that. is your street abandoned? i was waiting for a tumbleweed to go rolling by.
wow!! great job jacob!!
Comment from the guy in New York City! lol
Making turns and everything! Gran and Gumps are proud of you Jacob, Mr. Independent! 8¬}
WOW! We keep threatening to take off Emily's training wheels when she turns 6 and she just says "That's fine, I won't ride my bike anymore." Glad to see Jacob eventually went back to his bike!!
He's riding like an old pro! What a perfect neighborhood for bike riding! PAT!
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