To update you from my previous post about the Love Dare, I wanted to share with you my new feelings about this challenge. I am loved. I feel loved. I get it. I don't think this dare is for me. I have a healthy, fun, and loving relationship with my family and we tell each other how we feel every day.
Now, I am not against this program. I am all for it. I think it is great. But, I am going to use it in a different way. I have learned a lot this week about friendships. I have seen friends hurt by others, friends moving on with their lives, and friends lost in grief.
We need to cherish our friendships. Don't use your friends and not be a friend in return. Listen to each others wants, needs, and desires. Being a friend is not a chore, it is not hard, it is a gift. I need to make sure I don't take my friendships for granted.
My dearest friend went back to work a couple of months ago. I miss her terribly. Even though she lives right down the street, I never get to see her. I am so incredibly proud of her for this new adventure in her life, but I am also very sad that I don't see her every day. I still need her. I need to "dare" myself to meet her for lunch one day or just call her on a random day like I used to.
Lastly, I want to talk about my friend Jen. She lost her baby, Kevin, yesterday. Her troubled pregnancy was devastating and this result was unfortunately not a surprise. Jen made a couple of phone calls before going to the hospital to let her friends know what was going on. I believe the switchboards lit up in South West Charlotte. When the news spread about baby Kevin the MOMS Club hopped into action and circled the wagons. Jen has always been such a caring and supportive friend. It was so touching to see that when she needed help there was an endless line of support. I have a renewed sense of what true friendship means and want to make sure that I don't forget it.
We need to make sure we tell each other that we care. We need to show each other that we care. This is my new challenge. Dare to be that friend.
Great post! I, too, was thrilled to see the friendship surrounding Jen. It renewed my faith in "girlfriends", as we all know we can tend to get a little catty :)
I know so well what the love and concern of friends can mean when one experiences a catastrophic event.
A tragedy stops the world for a time and the bonding is such a positive thing for everyone!
Kat.....I think you are right that that particular dare wasn't really necessary for you. I see such love and respect in your family always. But this type of dare is definitely a great goal. Your friend Jen will need her friends now and for a long time after. Everyone needs the support and understanding of friends.
I'll keep good thoughts for Jen. I'm so sorry.
Your post strikes me very close to home. Well said, every word of it.
i think we spend so much time trying to be great wives and mothers that being a great friend is sometimes the last thing we think about.
but then all it takes is a friend to really (really) need you, and it's a wonderful thing to watch the good friends step right up.
you hit the nail on the head. great post.
(ps - just because you don't talk with your bff every day like you used to, you know your friendship will endure!)
i wish more people took up this dare!
Proudaya, but you know that
Great post Kat. Girlfreinds are such a unique and special realtionship. I try and remind myself of this becuase I get so caught up in the "me myself and I" world I sometimes take friedns for granted. Thanks for reminding me that friendship is a beautiful blessing to be loved and nurtured. You rock!! :-)
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